
How do I go about doing business or purchases in barter trading?


Once you register you can view the ads of the various businesses or individuals, the items they have posted for selling or barter. You can search the products or services location wise as per your interest, you can send in a message to them and conclude the terms of purchase/barter (delivery, payments and etc.) through mutual consent.


Can I barter services with products or goods?


Yes, if you are registered as a business orindividual you can do barter with services or goods or vice versa.


How can I be sure of authenticity of the purchase or Barter?


We advise the individuals and businesses registered on portal to do their due diligence before involving in any purchase or barter through message communication. We also appeal businesses and individuals to update their profile as to when you post an ad and it is your business you have to be open about it for interested parties to know about you in general.


How can I advertise better to get better marketing results?


First thing to do on registering either as a business or individual update your profile for the global community to understand your business and type of business you deal in.

Secondly, post your ads in the right category with clear background pictures to have an appealing look of your product or service with proper description and details. You can get touch with us for superior marketing strategies…


Is there any payment to be done for registering?


The registration is for free and each individual or business can post up to 2 Ads and can send messages for up to 5 contacts per month for now.  Subscription Packages will be introduced in time for consumers and businesses to avail and get more out of the website for scaling up their business outreach.


I have a purchased goods with me to sell, how can I go about posting an ad for selling it on website?


If you do not have a business and are selling any second hand pre-purchased goods, products using for your personal use, you can post an ad for selling it through individual profile.


Can I do barter without money?


The olden times barter was without money however times have changed and currencies are in place, Barter exchange can be by using money only for its best evaluation and matching the needs and wants.

In today’s time there are tax and trade laws in place for every country be it consumer purchase or businesses; purchases of goods, product or service and taxes in books of accounts to be tallied as per their country’s laws.


I am having individual profile but having my own business as well can I do business deals from my individual profile?


We highly recommend you to register your business on the website to deal with other businesses for any business-related approach of bulk buy or selling or barter, Individual profile ads will be considered as ads for reselling consumer to consumer who wish to sell their secondhand (goods or products) as your profile will not reflect as a business profile.  


Is there any tax benefit in barter deals?


There is no tax benefit in barter deals between2 parties. Both the parties have to exchange money for the goods, product or services for the amount valued in the ads posted to get the right benefit in barter deals to match the needs and value for money in barter. By Doing so,there will be proper legitimate invoices raised between 2 businesses and taxes paid as per the country’s laws stated and proper book keeping. Doing business in the right way both businesses will benefit from it.


Can I propose barter deal from my business id for barter or buy any second-hand items ads posted by individual profiles?


Yes, you can propose to buy or barter if the person is interested in what you are offering.

Example: you would like to buy a furniture for your office space worth 200 dollars posted by an individual and you are having a business of travel agency you can propose a barter of a vacation trip for the advertiser in exchange of the furniture and do a barter deal if he likes what you offer If not, still you are free to buy, however in any barter deal both parties have to exchange the value/price agreed for their product/service in barter to keep accounts and bookkeeping in balance for filing tax returns. Both can benefit and enjoy win-win situation as well.


how can I know if it is legal do bulk trade/ barter for my business product or service for any other country businesses?


We highly recommend for the businesses and individuals first check through the respective country’s laws and restrictions in place if your business (goods, product or services) approves to do trade with other countries. And acceptable as per the country’s laws. Then you can proceed ahead after doing through assessment, if needed you have to take advice from legitimate trading agencies or any authorities who have the knowledge and get the facts clear for you before involving in any business (sales, purchases or barter deals).


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